About Us

Our family and team are passionate about purposeful living! We love providing opportunities that create ah-ha moments! Once you tap into your purpose, life is completely different, and you’ll never want to go back!

Meet Our Family

This is what our little family looked like when we moved to Guatemala in 2019. While we were there, we had many ah-ha moments and experiences that changed our perspectives and lives forever.

We felt undeniably led to sell our stuff and house and move to Guatemala. The ironic and funny thing about this move is that on a previous plane ride to Guatemala for a humanitarian trip, I saw a family that looked like they were from the U.S. and after a short conversation with the kids that were sitting next to me on the flight I thought, “Who would ever move their family to Guatemala? Those poor kids!...” and then my thoughts continued as I tried to wrap my mind around it. So, be careful what you think!! God has a sense of humor, we're sure of it!

It’s funny to look back knowing what we know now. We thought we knew why we were going and how it would help our kids and family, etc. etc etc. We had all sorts of ideas and plans, but there was A LOT that God knew that we didn’t know and we learned quickly that God knows best, and we didn’t know as much as we thought we did.

It was our Guatemala experience that taught us to trust God at a deeper level and showed us the importance of personal missions. He knows the one, and He will lead “one” from the US all the way to another “one” in Guatemala that is in great need. It taught us that God teaches us and directs us in ways that we will listen, but the end result is not always what we thought it would be. It taught us how much we can learn from other cultures and people around the world. We learned from our sweet friends in Guatemala how to slow down, to be patient and grateful, generous and kind, humble and faithful, hardworking and resourceful, resilient and optimistic, and genuinely happy with very little. Most importantly it taught us how vital it is to trust God and to allow Him to lead us to places we would never go on our own.

Teen Trip


Scholarship Application

The LYM (Live Your Mission) Scholarship is meant to provide an opportunity for youth to attend a mission trip with Live Your Mission LLC and Real Imprints INC, by providing financial assistance with the cost of the trip. These mission trips are an amazing opportunity for youth to learn what it means to find and "Live Your Mission" with a life centered around serving others above yourself.

The scholarships being offered are a few full scholarships, covering all costs excluding airfare, and several partial scholarships ranging from a few hundred dollars to half of the trip cost. Scholarships are available for Teen Trips only

To apply please click the application button at the top of this page and fill out the form. Write a 500-1000 word essay detailing why you feel that you would be a good candidate for the LYM scholarship.You can either submit the essay directly in the box provided, or upload it as a file.

These scholarships are awarded based on the following criteria:
• Personal purpose for the trip
• Financial need
• Personal motivation to serve
• Any other personal consideration that we should know about.

The application deadline is Feb 1 at midnight. Individuals will be notified by Feb.12 if they have been awarded a scholarship or not.

The Real Imprints Mission: "To educate, inspire, and empower individuals, families, and communities all over the world to live their mission and leave their imprints."

Our hope is that by offering this scholarship and the opportunity to go on a mission trip, you will not only be inspired to find and live your mission, but that you will also be able to see the joy and fulfillment that comes with helping others find and live theirs!

*Scholarship is provided by Real Imprints Inc.